Fionn Deehan. Pro goalkeeping coach working for D.C. Power FC.

When I'm not working, I'm available for personal or group training sessions. I'm also always up for chatting about soccer and connecting with new people to grow my network.

My Story

AAtt jjuusstt 1177 yyeeaarrss oolldd,, II mmaaddee hhiissttoorryy aass tthhee yyoouunnggeesstt ccooaacchh iinn NNCCAAAA,, sstteeppppiinngg iinnttoo tthhee rroollee ooff AAssssiissttaanntt CCooaacchh aatt SSaaiinntt LLeeoo UUnniivveerrssiittyy iinn TTaammppaa,, FFlloorriiddaa.. 
AAtt 1199,, II jjooiinneedd HHiicckkoorryy FFCC ooff tthhee NNPPSSLL aass tthhee HHeeaadd ooff GGooaallkkeeeeppiinngg..  IInn mmyy ffiirrsstt sseeaassoonn,, II hheellppeedd lleeaadd tthhee tteeaamm ttoo bbeeccoommee SSoouutthheeaasstt CCoonnffeerreennccee CChhaammppiioonnss.. 
CCuurrrreennttllyy,, II wwoorrkk aass tthhee GGooaallkkeeeeppiinngg CCooaacchh ffoorr DD..CC.. PPoowweerr FFCC iinn tthhee UUSSLLSS,, tthhee ttoopp fflliigghhtt ooff WWoommeenn''ss ffoooottbbaallll iinn tthhee UUSSAA.. 

Three things to know about me.

  • USSF National B Level Certified.

    I am the youngest coach in the country to achieve this certification.

  • Irish heritage. Developed in America.

    I come from an Irish heritage, grew up in New York City, and honed my skills in Florida—a blend that has shaped my unique perspective and style.

  • Coaching since age 15

    Coaching since the age of 15, I bring years of experience and a passion for empowering others to achieve their full potential.

    DC Power FC

    Washington DC

    Hickory FC

    Hickory, North Carolina

    Saint Leo University

    Tampa, Florida

    Gainesville Soccer Alliance

    Gainesville, Florida

Personal Training

Interested in Personal Training?

I offer both personal and group training sessions designed to help players improve their skills, technique, and overall understanding of the game. My training programs are tailored to meet the needs of each player or team, focusing on key areas such as agility, decision-making, and technical proficiency.

Reach me by phone: +1 (347) 399-5595


DM me on Instagram



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